
Posts Tagged ‘Wine labels’

Labeling and First Sale

July 1, 2008 Leave a comment

This past weekend has been very hectic but exciting none-the-less.  On Saturday, we labeled our Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris.  At about 2:30, Scott Behrens from Wine Behren (see link) called and asked if we could do a pouring at his wine shop.  So we finished our labeling, changed clothes, and off we went to our first pouring.  We sold about two cases that night which is pretty good.  On Sunday, we labeled the Chardonnay and Rose before helping Trudy celebrate her birthday.  We learned alot about wine labels and labeling.  First, make sure the label fits the bottle.  This is very difficult when you go through as many iterations as we did.  Our Pinot Gris labels should really be about 1/2″ shorter.  But rather than pay for new die cuts, we will get different bottles, the longer neck ones.  We also became one with our new labeling machine.  I am happy with it.  RJ became an expert wax dipper, however, he learned to make sure there is no moisture on the neck, including wine that may have leaked out, or you get spatters, etc.  Everyone asks why we did wax.  While it looks great, it is expensive and time-consuming.  Well, we bought leftover bottles from our colleagues at Kramers and Thistle, so the neck sizes are all different.  Therefore, it would be hard to match foil sizes.  We also learned that you can’t always find wax that matches.  Our lightened burgundy wax just did not look good on the Rose’, so we went with foil on that bottle.  Above are pictures of our labeling, final product and first pouring.  Don’t forget to check our Scott’s website.  He will be carrying all our wines.

Even When We’re Not There

June 11, 2008 Leave a comment

I’ve think you’ve gathered that even if we’re not at the winery, things are moving along.  Yesterday, RJ finished the last cabinet for under the bar in the tasting room.  That’s a BIG DEAL!  I’ve been working on getting us committed (not in the nut house, although that’s a consideration) and ready to do 1st Wednesday in Forest Grove.   See the link to the right.  Our labels are in process and should be ready on the 24th.  So in 7 days, we just have to get the wine delivered (and find a place to store it) and get it labeled.  Hopefully, our glasses will be here.  I’ve had a little bit of a diversion.  I’m trying to sell some of my craft supplies, collectibles and homemade items.  I sold some to AJ for her store, including furniture which I will never get around to refinish.  It was hard to let these pieces go, because I’ve had some dreams.  It’s kind of like “the end of an era” for me.  Also, gave away some supplies to somebody who could use them worse than me.  And I listed a few things (more to follow) on  (See pictures above.)  I figure a little revenue couldn’t hurt.  Speaking of “the end of an era”, RJ has listed his Bellanca airplane on several airplane sites.  That will be a tough one for both of us, but especially RJ.  I am sorry he has to do that, but it does make sense since he hasn’t flown it for years.  Today I will be working on cabinets all day.  RJ is going to attempt driving the dump truck to the dump.  Wish us both luck!


May 15, 2008 Leave a comment

pinot-noir-label-41Label for Pinot GrisI haven’t been at the winery working for the last couple of days.  I have been trying to catch up on administrative things and home things (like laundry).  One of the things I have been working on is finalizing the labels for TTB approval and then finding a printing company.  I am done with my part so thought I would share a couple of the labels with you.  The labels for the chardonnay and rose’ are very similar to the Pinot Gris label; the colors and grapes are different.  The Pinot Noir label is not quite the latest version.  The latest has our Plum Hill logo on the back instead of the Kramer logo.

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