
Posts Tagged ‘Reused cabinets’

Creating A Winery for $35K, Part 37

March 11, 2011 1 comment

Okay, I’m skipping around a bit, but sometimes I have to post what moves me.  (No jokes, please).  So I’m sure you’re all thinking there is no way we created a winery for $35,000 and you’re probably right, but it’s close.  One of the ways we did was by acquiring things that we could reuse.  You will hear more about the bar from Mothersheds later, but for now, I want to tell you about cabinets.  Our first renter in the cottage was tearing down her house and had some fairly new cabinets in the Mother-in-law unit.  She said we could have what we wanted.  RJ was reluctant, “what are we going to do them?”  But me, I will take almost anything free.  I said we’ll find a use.  After the first pick-up, RJ got energized and decided to get the rest.  We used them behind the tasting bar for all sorts of storage and to make a shelf for the wine.

Reused Cabinets

We had to find the 2 narrow end pieces to fill-in the space and these came from a cabinet outlet and were perfect.

The reason I am writing about this now is because just last week (or was it this week, I forget), RJ got some cabinets, complete with granite top at Habitat Restore.  What a find.  These are perfect for his winery lab, with some extras for who knows what.

Cabinets from Restore for RJ's Lab

Speaking of recycle/reuse, wait until you see what he did for his office floor.  It’s a little eclectic (but then, that’s RJ), but it’s for his office and lab after all, not a public facility.  We used every scrap of tile we had, including some I bought at Restore a while ago “just in case.”  Okay, we had to augment it with $10 worth of left over tile our tiler (thank you Tom) found.

Leftover Tile

And lastly, while RJ was at Metro Paint picking up recycled paint (yes, we have used and will continue to use a lot of recycled white paint at the winery), there was an office chair for sale for $15.  We needed another office chair for RJ’s office and this was the ticket.  RJ asked how long it had been sitting there and they said about 5 minutes.  Sometimes we just luck out; actually, lots of times we luck out.

"New" to Us Office Chair

Almost forgot, the desk and credenza came from Restore and the file cabinets from a business owner in Forest Grove who was retired.  (Got lots of office supplies from him, too.)

Weekend Status and More Demo

June 2, 2008 1 comment

This weekend, I got the flower garden around the house cleaned and “framed” with bricks.  Also, planted a few annuals.  I need to put some bark dust around it, but the bucket was not on the tractor, so that will have to wait.  Demo Diva showed up on Saturday and took out the drywall in the bathroom (picture above) and patched and painted crown molding which RJ finished putting up after 3 days of swearing.  I cleaned the cabinets and shelves.  Most of the cabinets were reused from our renter’s house and no offense to them, but they were quite dirty with kitchen grease and dust.  I had to get them cleaned to move all the kitchen stuff into them before removing the doors and drawers.  I got one side of doors and drawers removed before petering out.  Before picture of kitchen is above.

I took pictures of more farm equipment to sell, etc.  I am posting the “Mini Feeders” and calf stalls on Craig’s list.  Wish me luck.  First picture is that of Mini Feeders.  We have lots.