
Posts Tagged ‘Washington County’

I’m Back with Building Permits in Hand

September 3, 2008 Leave a comment

Our company has left, weddings are over, our social events have tapered off, so I am back to blogging again.  My biggest news is that as of Thursday, August 28, we have our building permits.  It was a long, hard struggle, but we have them, and it’s full steam ahead.  But wait…a new hurdle!  We just received notice that we can no longer access our Home Equity Account; the one we were counting on to pay some of the contractors we have engaged and will be engaging.  So I am back pounding the pavement looking at other financing options.  I have a few ideas up my sleeve, but none have come to fruition yet.  On a happier note, I received the base pages for my scrapbook from Charlene last week and have finished one page with another well on the way.  These will go faster as I move through the book.  However, I have managed to misplace my camera (see what happens when you get a smaller purse), so pictures are going to be few and far between.  The plumber is working today in the tasting room, sooner than we expected.  Much of the irrigation is in thanks to Russell, Roger, Jim and Henry.  Russell was like “a dog on a bone” wanting to get at that vineyard and they accomplished alot.  We’ve had our share of tractor issues and may be upgrading soon (oh yeah, that money thing again).  We’re doing another tasting tonight at Urban Decanter for First Wednesday.  That will be a relief.  Pictures are of the irrigation and drain work and our Big 0 Birthday bash.

General Update 2

June 25, 2008 Leave a comment

In her favorite sink.

Well, no building permits yet.  I know you’re probably not surprised; were laughing at me when I was so optimistic.  But I’m disappointed.  It seems we need a “green sheet” from Clean Water Services.  I have no idea what a “green sheet” is, but I’ll get one.  Unfortunately, that takes 5 business days.  Also, Land Use has to give us a final sign-off.  I’m not sure what that is either, since we have “conditional” land use and can’t get the conditions removed without the completion of the building, which, you guessed it, requires building permits.  Do you see a vicious circle here?  We also didn’t get our labels yesterday either.  And as for the bathroom sink bowl, it cracked while being put in the cooling kiln.  Another attempt will happen on Thursday.  I need a win!  Since I have no winery pictures, I’m including a picture of one of my cats, Sinatra.


April 12, 2008 Leave a comment

While we were in Australia, Antonio and his crew finished the posts and wires making the vineyard complete.  It is awesome infact.  They did a very good job of keeping everything straight.  We have “woolly” buds on the “sticks” we planted from our existing vineyard, so I assume there are some on these plants as well.  We have only been home from Australia for 3 days, but we’ve had to jump in with both feet on the vineyard and winery.  RJ bought a new sprayer to use of weed abatement at home and around the property.  The blackberries are cropping up fast.  I have been working on administrative stuff (what a surprise), like an OLCC test to prove I know the rules, cleaning up our plans so I can go for our permits, and regular dialogue with the county.  We have our Federal permit.  The OLCC has posted the liquor license sign and the county has begun their report so progress is steady.  I received the three comment letters from the neighbors that went to the county.  They are mean and “mean people suck.”  It really depressed me because we have tried very hard to be good neighbors and do all the right things.  But that is just emotion.  Most of their comments are not valid as we do not intend to use their road, pesticides or canons.  So there!!!  Oh yeah, one more thing, my dear and very generous friend, Charlene, came over yesterday to gather up pictures, memorabilia, and notes to begin our Dairy to Winery scrapbook.  I am so excited.  She is amazing with scrapping and cardmaking.  I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.